Tariff Regulations

Uttar Pradesh

The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Multi Year Tariff for Distribution and Transmission regulations dated 23rd September 2019. The primary purpose of these regulations is to determine the ARR, APR, Tariff, True-Up and related matters of Transmission and Distribution licensees from April 01, 2020 up to March 31, 2025.

U.P. Electricity Grid Code, 2007

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Resolution By
Notification No. and date
UPERC/Secy/Regulation/07-432 dated 18.04.2007
1. The Grid Code is designed to facilitate the development, operation and maintenance of an efficient, coordinated, secure and economical State Power Grid.
2. It accordingly provides the relationship between the various Users of the Intra-State Transmission System (STS).
3. It provides the Technical Standards, Rules and Procedures (technical, operational and for information sharing) to be dopted by SLDC, STU and Users connected to the State Power Grid.
4. It provides the common basis of operation of the Power System to facilitate Open Access and trading of electricity.
[clause 1.2]
Regulations called as
UP Electricity Grid Code, 2007 also referred as UPEGC or Grid code
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Introduction
1. The State Transmission Utility (STU) shall discharge all functions of planning and co-ordination relating to Intra-State transmission system in coordination with CTU, State Governments, Generating Companies, Regional Power Committees, State Power Committee, CEA, licensees and any other person notified by the State Government in this behalf.
2. The Generating Companies and the licensees shall consider the National Electricity Plan prepared by CEA in developing their system.
3. Requirement for reinforcement / extension / new transmission line may arise for a number of reasons, some of them are included below:
3.1. Development on the system of any user already connected to the State Transmission System.
3.2. Introduction of a new Connection point between a user’s system and the State Transmission System.
3.3. Need to increase system capacity, remove operational constraints and maintain standards of security to accommodate a general increase in the demand.
3.4. For evacuation of power from generating stations within and outside the State.
3.5. Reactive power compensation.
3.6. In order to accommodate electricity trading and Open Access requirements
[clause 3.1]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Objective
1. To specify the principles, procedures and criteria to be applied in the planning and development of the STS.
2. To promote co-ordination amongst all users in any proposed development of the STS.
3.To provide methodology and information exchange requirement amongst SLDC, STU and Users in the planning and development of the STS.

[clause 3.2]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Scope
This Planning Code shall apply to SLDC, STU, other licensees, State Sector Generating Stations (SSGS), connected to and/or using and/or involved in developing the STS.
[clause 3.3]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Planning Philosophy
1. The STU shall prepare and submit to the Commission a long-term Transmission System Plan (time span 5 years) for the expansion of State Power Grid to meet the future demand.
2. In preparing of plan STU should take into consideration perspective plan prepared by CEA, EPS, Transmission Planning Criteria and guidelines issued by CEA and NEP.
3. The STU shall submit to the Commission an updated long-term Transmission System Plan by 28th February every year taking care of the revisions in the electricity load projection and additions in the generation capacity.
4. The primary responsibility of load forecasting of a particular supply area shall be that of respective Distribution Licensee.
5. STU in consultation with SLDC and the concerned Distribution Licensee, may review the methodology and assumptions, used in making the load forecast and shall further re-work if any change is needed.
6.STU shall also plan, from time to time, system-strengthening schemes, need of which may arise to overcome the constraints in power transfer and to improve the overall performance of the grid.
7. The Nodal Agency for providing long term Open Access in all cases shall be the STU, whether its system is used or not and for that itself.
8. In case long-term open access cannot be allowed due to system constraints, the prospective open access customer may request STU to carry out system studies to identify system strengthening requirements and cost estimates.
9. The Long Term Transmission System Plan prepared by STU shall contain a chapter on additional transmission requirement such as Transformers, Capacitors, and Reactors etc.
10. Based on Plan prepared by the STU, other Transmission Licensees /Distribution licensees shall plan their systems to further evacuate power from the STS.
11. STU's planning department shall use load flow, short circuit, transient stability study, relay coordination study and other techniques for Transmission System Planning.
12. STU shall furnish the requisite planning data to CTU as required by it from time to time.
[clause 3.4]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Planning Data
1. Users shall furnish the necessary data related to the electricity demand, transmission capacity and generation availability to the STU to conduct system studies and prepare long term transmission system plan.
2. All users shall provide the required planning data/information in the formats as may be devised by STU.
3. The one time data shall be submitted by all the Users to STU within 6 months from the date of notification of this Grid Code.
4. Users shall thereafter submit yearly data to STU latest by 31st December for the ensuing year.
5. STU shall supply the data as may be required by the Users for the coordinated planning, design and operation of their plants and systems with the transmission system.
[clause 3.6]
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Implementation of Transmission Plan
1. The actual program of implementation of transmission lines, Interconnecting Transformers, reactors/capacitors and other transmission elements will be determined by STU in consultation with the concerned User.
2.The completion of these works, in the required time frame, shall be ensured by STU.
[clause 3.7]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Introduction
1. The Connectivity Conditions Code specify the minimum technical and design criteria that shall be complied with by STU/Transmission Licensee and all Users connected to or seeking connection to the State Transmission System.
2. It sets out the procedures by which STU shall ensure compliance by all Users with the above criteria as a pre-requisite for the establishment of an agreed connection.
[clause 4.1]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Objective
1. To ensure that the basic rules for connections are complied with and all Users are treated in a non-discriminatory manner.
2. To restrict any new or modified connections, when established, whichshall either impose any adverse effect on existing Users or shall new connection suffer adversely due to existing Users.
3. To provide ownership and responsibility for all the equipments are clearly specified in a schedule (Site Responsibility Schedule) for every site, where a connection is made.
[clause 4.2]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Scope
This Connectivity Conditions Code shall apply to SLDC and all Users connected to and/or involved in developing the State Power Grid and includes Generating Companies/Transmission Licensee/Distribution Licensee which are engaged in or are intending to engage in generation/transmission/distribution of power through the State Power System.
[clause 4.3]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Procedure for connection
1. Any User seeking to establish new or modified arrangements of connection to or use of assets of the Intra-State transmission system shall submit an application on standard format alongwith the following details:
1.1. Report stating the purpose of the proposed connection and/or modification, transmission licensee in whose network the connection is proposed, Connection site, description of apparatus to be connected etc.
1.2. Undertaking that the prospective installation shall comply with the provisions of this Grid Code and various standards such as Grid Standards and Technical Standards specified by the CEA.
1.3. Construction Schedule and target completion date.
2. On receipt of an application for new connection/ modification of existing connection, complete in all respect, STU/Transmission Licensee shall make a formal offer to the User within 30 days from the date of receipt of all details.
3. The offer shall specify, and take into account, any works required for the extension or reinforcement of existing Transmission System and/or Supply System as necessitated by the applicant’s proposal.
4. The estimated time schedule for completion of works should also bespecified in the offer, taking into account the time required to obtain statutory clearances etc.
5. STU/Transmission Licensee shall forward a copy of the connection agreement entered into with the User to the STU, SLDC and the Commission.
6. In the event of an offer becoming invalid or rejected by an applicant, STU/Transmission Licensee shall not be required to consider any further application from the same User within twelve months from the date of the offer letter.
[clause 4.4]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Connection Agreement
1. All Users connected to or seeking connection to the STS shall enter into a connection agreement with the STU/Transmission Licensee.
2. In respect of existing connections a relaxation of one year is allowed so that present arrangement may continue in the interim.
3. A connection Agreement shall include the following terms and conditions:
3.1. A condition requiring both parties to comply with the provisions of the Grid Code.
3.2. Details of connection, technical requirements and commercial arrangements.
3.3. General philosophy, guidelines etc, on protection and telemetry.
3.4. STU may adopt the CERC connection agreement with State specific changes or propose a different connection agreement format consistent with this code for the approval of the Commission.
[clause 4.5]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Important technical requirements for connectivity to the grid
1. Rated frequency of the system shall be 50.0 Hz and shall normally be controlled within the limits as per regulations/standards framed by the Authority.
2. The agencies shall estimate and provide the required reactive energy compensation in its transmission and distribution network to meet its full Reactive Power requirement.
3. Line Reactors may be provided to control temporary over voltage within the limits as set out in connection agreements.
4. Reliable and efficient speech and data communication systems shall be provided to facilitate necessary communication and data exchange, and supervision/control of the grid by the SLDC.
5. A Site Responsibility Schedule shall be produced by the STU/ transmission license.
[Clause 4.6 to 4.12]
Connection Code/ Grid connectivity- Schedule of assets of Regional Grid
STU shall submit annually to UPERC by 30th September each year a schedule of transmission assets, which constitute the State Power Gridas on 31st March of that year indicating ownership on which SLDC has operational control and responsibility.
[clause 4.14]
Corrigendum/ Amendment, if any
Planning Code for Intra-state Transmission- Criterion
1. The planning criteria are based on the security philosophy on the security philosophy as per the Transmission Planning Criteria and other guidelines as given by CEA.
2. The State Transmission System shall be capable of withstanding against ontingency outages i.e. Outage of a 132kV D /C line, 220 kV D/C line, 400 kV S/C line, 765 kV S/C Line and single Interconnecting Transformer without necessitating load shedding or rescheduling of generation during Steady State Operation
3. The State Transmission System shall be capable of withstanding the loss of most severe single system in feed without loss of stability.
4. The Transmission System should therefore have sufficient additional capacities and redundancies to cater to above needs.
5. STU shall carry out planning studies for Reactive Power compensation of STS including reactive power compensation requirement.
[clause 3.5]
